Friday, January 31, 2014

When the source is the internet, how does that influence the "hostile media effect"?

Monday, January 27, 2014

What evidence-based methods of information communication promote learning among learners with AD(H)D?
Is there a correlation between addict vs. user of any mood-altering substance and the likelihood and/or intensity of AD(H)D?

Sunday, October 6, 2013

There are a lot of highly educated, but unemployed or underemployed people since the recession. I wonder how this has affected the Black middle class. For example, are they are struggling equally as much compared to their White peers, or are Black graduates in any way worse off than White or other graduates?

Sunday, December 16, 2012

To what extent have Northwest European immigrants to the U.S. experienced socioeconomic mobility among the subsequent generations of their families compared to non-emigrating Northwest Europeans? Are there any trends of upward- or downward mobility?
Is there evidence that cannabis (medical marijuana) augments cognitive functioning?

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Handwriting instruction: (a) What is the goal? (b) Compare standardized handwriting styles vs. individualistic handwriting on motivation to practice handwriting, exploring factors such as indicators of social status across multiple contexts including gender and SES. (c) What are sociocognitive effects of various methods of handwriting instruction? (d) Explore cross-cultural differences within the U.S. and between other handwriting systems such as Chinese characters. (e) Substantially improve this article: