Saturday, June 9, 2012

Handwriting instruction: (a) What is the goal? (b) Compare standardized handwriting styles vs. individualistic handwriting on motivation to practice handwriting, exploring factors such as indicators of social status across multiple contexts including gender and SES. (c) What are sociocognitive effects of various methods of handwriting instruction? (d) Explore cross-cultural differences within the U.S. and between other handwriting systems such as Chinese characters. (e) Substantially improve this article:

Saturday, June 2, 2012

What purpose(s) would violent initiations serve? (e.g., is there a continuum from arduous to abusive; is there any effect on parenting?)
Are there any differences in characteristics between individuals who prefer their own traditional foods and those who prefer sampling the traditional foods of other cultures? (e.g., Would varying along a continuum of "xenophobic" to "xenophilic" correlate with food preferences?)